While we take every care to ensure that your order arrives in perfect condition, occasionally an item can be damaged by the shipping carrier. If a product you ordered arrived damaged or has defects, follow these steps:
- Contact SMOKEA® Support: The first step is to contact our support team via email or chat. Please reference your order number and provide a picture of the damaged item. Click here to contact us.
- Receiving Replacements: After we've received a picture of the damaged item we will either request that the item is returned to us at no charge to yourself by providing a pre-paid shipping label. You will be instructed to start a return at smokea.com/returns. Once we've received the product back we will ship out a replacement within 48 business hours. However, we may not request that the item is returned. In this case we will send out a replacement. You must contact support first to determine whether or not we will request the item back and to provide proof of damage.