Returns FAQ

  • How do I start a return?

    If you received items that you want to return for a refund you can get started at We will then approve your return where you will be provided with a pre-paid shipping label to return the item(s). Once the item(s) is received at our warehouse, your refund will be processed with...
  • I received the wrong product, what do I do?

    While we take every care to ensure that you receive the correct products, occasionally mistakes can be made by our warehouse staff. If you find that you have received the wrong product(s) we will happily replace them at no charge to yourself. Please follow these steps if you received an inco...
  • I received a damaged product, what do I do?

    While we take every care to ensure that your order arrives in perfect condition, occasionally an item can be damaged by the shipping carrier. If a product you ordered arrived damaged or has defects, follow these steps: Contact SMOKEA® Support: The first step is to contact our support team ...